Hainan Boboring Culb Interior Design
本项目为波波利会所建筑所属规划区域东接三亚市,南临大海,风景宜人。波波利会所的室内风格沿用流体的波浪式设计,简约 时尚的造型空间,集合现代艺术的装饰手法。在满足功能空间的前提下大量的运用流线造型,营造出大气的动感空间,与室外的海景遥相呼应,融为一体,一切都回归自然,使其置身于天涯海角、随风涌动,达到功能与艺术的完美统一。
The project is located in the east of the planning area of the building in Sanya, and is pleasant to the south. The interior style of Polly Club follows the wave-like design of fluid, simple and fashionable modeling space, and combines the decorative techniques of modern art. Under the premise of satisfying the function space, a large number of streamlined modeling is used to create a dynamic atmosphere space, which echoes and merges with the outdoor seascape. Everything returns to nature, making it in the endless corners of the world, surging with the wind, and achieving the perfect unity of function and art.