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Conceptual planning of Ma Ying Zi block
Area: 3181.33亩
项目地址:河北 承德 马营子
Location: Ma Ying Zi, Chengde, Hebei
Time: 2018
Project Status:

项目位于河北省承德市马营子乡,滦平县西南部,接壤北京密于区和怀柔区,处于京、津、辽、蒙的省市 " 金三角 " 交汇点,素有北京北大门之称,是京津辽蒙的交通要道,京津和冀东地区生态屏障、地表水源涵养区、文化和生态旅游区。
Project brief introduction:

The project is located in Mayingzi Township, Chengde City, Hebei Province, southwest of Luanping County, bordering Beijing and Huairou District, and at the intersection of Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning and Mongolia, known as the North Gate of Beijing, which is the main road of Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning and Mongolia. It is the ecological barrier, surface water conservation area, culture and Eastern Hebei. Ecotourism area.